What is Yai ?

Yai (your AI) is an assistant for your terminal, unleashing the power of artificial intelligence to streamline your command line experience.

It is already aware of your:

  • operating system & distribution
  • username, shell & home directory
  • preferred editor

And you can also give any supplementary preferences to fine tune your experience.


To install Yai, simply run:

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ekkinox/yai/main/install.sh | bash
  • this will detect the proper binary to install for your machine
  • and upgrade to the latest stable version if already installed

You can also install it from the available releases from the GitHub repository.

To uninstall Yai, simply run the provided uninstallation script:

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ekkinox/yai/main/uninstall.sh | bash


At first run, Yai will ask you to provide an OpenAI API key (required to interact with ChatGPT AI).

It will then generate your configuration in the file ~/.config/yai.json, with the following structure:

  "openai_key": "sk-xxxxxxxxx",       // OpenAI API key (mandatory)
  "openai_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",    // OpenAI API model (default gpt-3.5-turbo)
  "openai_proxy": "",                 // OpenAI API proxy (default disabled)
  "openai_temperature": 0.2,          // OpenAI API temperature (defaut 0.2)
  "openai_max_tokens": 1000,          // OpenAI API max tokens (default 1000)
  "user_default_prompt_mode": "exec", // user prefered prompt mode: "exec" (default) or "chat"
  "user_preferences": ""              // user preferences, expressed in natural language (default none)

Fine tuning

You can fine tune Yai by editing the settings in the ~/.config/yai.json configuration file.

Note that in REPL mode, you can press anytime ctrl+s to edit settings:

  • it will open your editor on the configuration file
  • and will hot reload settings changes when you’re done.


You can use the openai_model to configure the AI model you want to use. By default, the model gpt-3.5-turbo is used.

  "openai_model": "gpt-4"

You can find the list of supported models here (must be compatible with OpenAI API v1/chat/completions).


You can use the user_preferences to express any preferences in your natural language:

  "user_preferences": "I want you to talk like an humorist, and I want you to always add the -y flag when I use dnf"

Yai will take them into account.